
  • Art and Photography
  • Business and Economics
  • Computing
  • Criminology
  • Design Technology
  • Drama
  • English
  • Geography
  • History
  • Media Studies
  • Maths
  • Modern Foreign Languages
  • Music
  • Physical Education
  • Psychology
  • Religious Studies
  • Science
  • Travel & Tourism

The history department at Bulmershe School aims to inspire students to investigate the historical processes, events and figures that have shaped the world around them. As a result of studying history, students develop an understanding of Britain’s role in the wider world, and are able to use this knowledge to engage actively in society.  As well as empowering students with knowledge, the department challenges students to develop as learners, allowing them to question, analyse and reason in on-going historical debates

What happens at KS3?

The history curriculum allows students to learn about a diverse range of societies, in different time periods and locations. The variety on offer means students are very positive about the curriculum. Students will learn about the changing themes of power, religion and protest, as well as studying global and local historical questions, including Reading’s experience of worldwide events. 


Term Year 7
Power & Progress

Year 8
Agents of Change

Year 9
Opression & Resistance
1 The Roman Empire & Society British Empire and Slavery World War II and life in Nazi Germant
2 Roman Technology Industrial Revolution The Holocaust
3 Medieval Britain Votes for Women The Civil Rights movement in America
4 Later Medieval Britain World War I South Africa Apartheid
5 The Tudors Post War World - Germany, Britain and the USA Migration to Britain in the 20th Century
6 The Stuarts Rise of Hitler and the Beginnings of Nazi Germany The Cold War

KS3 Banding Criteria

If you child is in years 7-9, their report will be graded in bands. To understand the criteria behind these bands, please see the assessment document below:


What happens at KS4?

At GCSE the department uses the Edexcel examination board, and the topics can be seen in the table below. It is the aim of the department to stimulate student interest in the past through enjoyable yet academically rigorous topics. Our main concern is to equip our pupils with the knowledge and skills to allow them to obtain qualifications and understanding that will be valuable to them throughout their lives. We provide a safe and stimulating environment for lessons where every pupil is guided in how to make the best possible progress. 



Year 10


Year 11



Period study

Superpower Relations

The origins of the Cold War and Cold War Crises

1958 - 1970

Modern Depth study

Germany 1919 -1939

The Weimar Republic

The Rise of Hitler



Period study

Superpower Relations

The end of the Cold War

Modern Depth study

Germany 1919 -1939

The creation of a dictatorship

Life in Nazi Germany


Thematic Study

Crime and punishment

Medieval Britain

British Depth Study

Henry VIII and his ministers




Thematic Study

Crime and punishment

Early Modern Britain

British Depth Study

Henry VIII and his ministers

The Reformation and it impact


Thematic Study

Crime and punishment

Industrial and Modern Britain



Thematic Study

Crime and punishment

Whitechapel depth study



Exam Board: Edexcel

FInd out more about our GCSE History course: https://qualifications.pearson.com/en/qualifications/edexcel-gcses/history-2016.html

What happens in KS5?

At A level the department uses the OCR examination board, and the topics can be seen in the table below. They have been chosen in consultation with students for interest and intellectual worth. A level history is highly regarded, not least for its transferable skills. These include being able to effectively communicate complex ideas, the ability to research, analyse and evaluate information, both orally and in writing, and the capacity to make substantiated judgements. 

Students will have two teachers in each year, and a particular strength of the course is the opportunity for independent research through the coursework unit in Year Thirteen. 


Year 12


Year 13



British Period study

The later Tudors and Non-British study

Apartheid and Reconciliation

Thematic study (with interpretations)

Russia and its rulers

and Coursework


British Period study

The later Tudors and Non-British study

Apartheid and Reconciliation

Thematic study (with interpretations)

Russia and its rulers

and Coursework


British Period study

The later Tudors and Non-British study

Apartheid and Reconciliation

Thematic study (with interpretations)

Russia and its rulers

and Coursework


British Period study

The later Tudors and Non-British study

Apartheid and Reconciliation

Thematic study (with interpretations)

Russia and its rulers

and Coursework


British Period study

The later Tudors and Non-British study

Apartheid and Reconciliation



British Period study

The later Tudors and Non-British study

Apartheid and Reconciliation



Exam Board: OCR

Find out more about our A-Level History Course: https://www.ocr.org.uk/Images/170128-specification-accredited-a-level-gce-history-a-h505.pdf

Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)

After students have joined the Bulmershe Sixth Form, they may opt to do an Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) in addition to their A-Level subjects. The EPQ is a project carried out on a topic of your choice. At Bulmershe School the EPQ sits in the Humanities Faculty and directly supports the faculty vision of ‘inspiring intellectually independent global citizens’.

Find out more about the EPQ at Bulmershe


Opportunities beyond the classroom

Our extra-curricular programme is supported by educational visits and a fast-developing History Society. Previous study days have included visits to Ufton Court and the First World War battlefields. The department is also very proud to play a role in the local community’s Remembrance activities each November. 

Teaching Team

Mr R Allger (Head of History) rallger@bulmershe.wokingham.sch.uk

Mrs Coombes hcoombes@bulmershe.wokingham.sch.uk 

Miss C James chjames@bulmershe.wokingham.sch.uk 

Miss G Moores gmoores@bulmershe.wokingham.sch.uk 

Miss T Moran tmoran@bulmershe.wokingham.sch.uk 

Mr D Ridsdale dridsdale@bulmershe.wokingham.sch.uk 

Mrs K Moon kroberts@bulmershe.wokingham.sch.uk 

Mrs A Vladar avladar@bulmershe.wokingham.sch.uk

Ms T Warner twarner@bulmershe.wokingham.sch.uk

Further Information

If you have any further queries, please contact the History Department Lead rallger@bulmershe.wokingham.sch.uk