Contact Us
Headteacher: Amanda Woodfin
The Bulmershe SchoolWoodlands Avenue, Woodley, RG5 3EUTel: 0118 9353353
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Who to contact, when:
If you have a general question or concern about your child in school, please contact their form tutor in the first instance. You are also welcome to contact their Head of Year and Engagement Manager. To find these email addresses, please visit your child's dedicated year group page via the "Pastoral & Mental Health" tab
If you have a question regarding a specific subject, you can find each subject teacher's email address via our Subject Information Page - found under the "Curriculum" tab.
The Bulmershe School is an Academy and part of the Corvus Learning Trust
If students need to tell us something please either see your form tutor or fill in the form on the website.