Curriculum Overview

It is the intention of The Bulmershe School to cultivate a love of learning and provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge required to navigate a path towards a happy and successful life. We work hard to ensure that our curriculum is designed to support our aims, while also interweaving our Bulmershe Core Values of Respect, Responsibility, Resilience and Safety into its design.

Our broad and balanced curriculum is implemented in line with the National Curriculum; where Heads of Department create an enriched range of knowledge across each subject to reflect the needs of our community. We pride ourselves on providing trained and experienced subject specialists to deliver high quality learning in the core areas of Maths, English and the Sciences.  This approach is likewise mirrored in our emphasis on the Arts, Modern Foreign Languages, Humanities, Technologies, Computer Science, Wellbeing, Sports and Health. To further enable our students to acquire such cultural capital, we offer a wide range of PSHE fields delivered through our extended tutor and personal development programme, as well as a range of extra-curricula clubs.

To discover more about each of our departments, and the subjects we offer, click on Subject Information. Here you will find more details about the individual subject curricula and the long-term plans developed to support their delivery.

To understand the full intent of our curriculum, how we implement and what impact it has on our students, please read our Curriculum Statement below.

The Bulmershe School Curriculum Statement 2024-2025