Year 10

May I extend a very warm welcome to parents, carers and students of Year 10.

We work together as a strong team as the students commence their GCSE courses. The Year 10 team will continue to support the students as we have done for the past three years. It is essential that all students focus on their academic studies and Year 10 is the foundation for their GCSEs in just under two years. We look forward to seeing how the students progress and thrive in their chosen subjects.

Mrs Cousins

The Year 10 Team:

Assistant Headteachers Year 10

Mr M Grewal

Mrs K Lewis

Head of Year 10

Mrs M Cousins

Assistant Head of Year 10

Miss J Bungay

Year 10 Engagement Manager

Miss Wells


Tutor Team

10G2 Miss J Bungay

10H1 Miss K Hudson

10B2 - Mr P Arko

10H3 - Ms K Robinson / Mrs K Potter

10En9 Mrs G Norris / Mrs A Dench

10E1B Mrs E Kotseroni

10H2 - Miss V Patey

10A2 Mr S Davis / Mrs S Khanna

10En4 Mrs K Whitmarsh / Miss M Howe

Pastoral Team

If you have any concerns regarding your child's education or welfare in school, please contact your child’s form tutor in the first instance and copy in the Head of Year and Engagement Manager.

Pupil Premium students in Year 10

There may be financial assistance available for Pupil Premium pupils for school trips and other activities but individual enquiries to the school should be made regarding this assistance.

Please contact the school office on 0118 9353353 or alternatively, who will pass on your enquiry to Mr Staton, Assistant Headteacher who manages Pupil Premium funding.

Key Dates 23-24

Year 10 Curriculum Evening - click here to see the presentation from the evening

Year 10 Parents' Evening  - Thursday 18th April 2024 - 4pm - 6pm (Online)

Year 10 Work Experience from the 8th - 12th July 2024 - visit our Work Experience page for more information. Work Experience Forms need to be submitted by Thurs 30th November 2023

Year 10 Mock Exams - Friday 28th June - Thursday 4th July (Click here to read Mr McAlaney's letter)



Page Downloads Date  
Year 10 Curriculum Evening Presentation 2023 26th Sep 2023 Download
Year 10 Work Experience Presentation 11th Oct 2023 Download
Student guide to Work Experience 18th Oct 2023 Download
Work Experience Placement Form 20th Oct 2023 Download
Year 10 Mock Exam Timetable Jun 24 18th Jun 2024 Download