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Mental Health
The Bulmershe School is committed to providing a healthy and caring environment that promotes and supports positive mental health for our whole community; students, staff and parents.
Positive mental health is vital to what we do at Bulmershe; it underpins the crucial work carried out to support students and their families. By considering student and staff wellbeing in all aspects of school life, a positive, healthy environment can be created that improves student engagement, performance and achievement which in turn gives everyone an opportunity to develop and achieve their full potential.
If you ever want to raise a concern about your child's mental health or have any questions, feel free to reach out to our Mental Health Lead, Miss Chapman: achapman@bulmershe.wokingham.sch.uk
Our Vision for Mental Health and Wellbeing
At The Bulmershe School, we will promote, develop, equip and prepare healthy learners for life. We are committed to making it our mission to promote resilience, positive wellbeing and mental health for all our pupils, staff and parents/carers. We understand wellbeing to be a state of being comfortable, healthy and happy. We aim to drive this message forward, via our school Mental Health Strategy, and to ensure that mental health and well-being is “everyone’s business” across the whole school community. We will strive to create an environment that has a whole school approach, in providing excellent mental health support, awareness, understanding and intervention. We will put Wellbeing at the heart of our school to ensure successful learning, and commit to our policies reflecting this practice.
Being a teenager is not easy, and we understand that. You have to navigate education, friendships, identity and many other things while becoming a young adult. This means that looking after your mental, as well as your physical health, is very important.
We are here to support you through your growing up journey. Your teachers, form tutors and Heads of Year are always happy to listen and discuss issues related to mental health that you may experience, be it friendship issues, anxiety or lack of confidence. We also have a dedicated team, trained in dealing with mental health issues, that is here to support you.
If you feel it easier to share your feelings and difficulties with us online, then please click on ‘Tell us something’ and complete the online form – we understand that sometimes it is easier to write things down.
We cannot promise to solve all problems, but we are always ready to listen, talk and help as much as we possibly can. We have also put together a Mental Health Toolkit of resources and guidance on a variety of topics. You can use these documents to help you find information about common mental health issues and some suggestions on how to deal with them.
Open the Mental Health Toolkit for Students
Parents and carers can experience unprecedented level of stress. Looking after your own mental health is paramount for successful parenting. The Bulmershe School recognises parenting can be overwhelming and our Mental Health team have created a toolkit of resources especially for parents, which we will be adding to over time.
Open the Mental Health Toolkit for Parents
Please feel free to contact the school directly to discuss any concerns regarding your child’s mental health. This can be done via your child’s Head of Year, Form Tutor or our safeguarding team.
Wellbeing Award
We have worked incredibly hard to achieve the ‘Wellbeing Award for Schools’. This award was developed in partnership with the National Children’s Bureau (NCB) and focuses on changing the long-term culture of a school and embedding an ethos where mental health is regarded as the responsibility of all. You can read more about the principles behind the award and the objectives the school met on our Wellbeing Award page.
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Bulmershe Mental Health Policy 22-25 |