
Welcome to

 The Bulmershe School

The resources below will enable you to gain an insight into the inspiring education The Bulmershe School offers all its students and help you make the right choice for your child. 

To find out more about life at The Bulmershe School and to hear from Mrs Woodin, Headteacher; Mrs Sharp, Assistant Headteacher; and Miss Moran, our Oxbridge Co-ordinator, please watch our welcome video:


Parent Testimonials

Watch our students' parents share their experiences of The Bulmershe School.

Parent Testimonial | Ben and SarahParent Testimonial | Mr Payne and Mrs Hucker


Head Students' Testimonial

Watch the Head Boys and Girls speak with passion and enthusiasm about their experiences and opportunities.

Head Students' Testimonials 2020 - 2021

Head Students' Testimonials 2021 - 2022


Student Testimonials

Hear first hand from those that know the school best, our students. 

Student Testimonials

Year 7 and 8 Student Testimonials

Year 7 Student Testimonals presented at our Open Evening

Academic Life at The Bulmershe School

Listen to our Heads of Faculty communicate the successes of their departments.

Mrs Dench, Head of English

Mr Burrows, Head of ScienceMr Hussain, Head of Maths

Mr Davis, Head of Art and Technology


Pastoral Life at The Bulmershe School

Watch our inspiring and experienced Head of Year team talk with passion and pride about their roles. 

Head of Year Team


We are delighted that you and your family are considering choosing The Bulmershe School.