SEND (Oasis)

As a school we offer extensive provision for pupils who have special education needs and or disabilities [SEND]. Via our Oasis centre, we ensure everyone is supported in order to make accelerated progress across the curriculum. 

What does Oasis Offer?

BuddyOasis is a large welcoming space, where students are supported by a strong and inclusive team to make progress in their learning. Support that we offer includes reading and reading comprehension, spelling support, numeracy, and speech and language. We also offering mentoring and a safe space to talk through any worries or concerns. Our staff are highly skilled and we also work with outside specialists, art, and speech and language therapists and professional mentoring services. Every morning our school dog Buddy welcomes young people to school and all are welcome to join him in our book club where a book is read and discussed.

How are students helped during the school day?

Learning support assistants work across the school in many different classrooms. Young people are supported to access the curriculum by teaching staff and LSAs working together. We are increasingly working towards support across the classroom rather than specific young people being targeted for support. We work with teaching staff to build independence in our learners. We subscribe to the ‘Helicopter,’ model of support, where our learning support assistants move around the classroom offering support where it is needed. We do flag certain young people for support but we do this discreetly and at all times aiming to foster a culture of independent learning, leading to increased self-esteem and confidence.

When should students attend Oasis?

Young people are welcome in Oasis in the mornings before tutor time. We run meet and greet, Buddy reading club and some literacy and numeracy interventions. All are welcome to drop in and say hello before tutor time.

Once the teaching day starts, young people are invited to come to Oasis for targeted interventions. This might be literacy, numeracy, speech and language or mentoring. The time in Oasis and out of lessons, is agreed between the SENDCO, teaching staff and parents so that the balance is right, and young people are accessing additional support without losing valuable classroom learning time.  

Everyone is welcome to join our Oasis break and lunch clubs where staff support with games, conversation and a quiet space to eat lunch or have a snack.

We also run a supported homework club Monday – Thursday: 3 – 4 pm.

Who can you find in Oasis?

In Oasis you will be greeted by Buddy our school dog, and our team of learning support assistants. Sometimes you might find external professionals, a counsellor (and her dog) an art therapist (and her dog!) and professional mentors. We are a busy, inclusive and diverse department.

SEND Drop in Meetings are the last Wednesday of every month during term time. These sessions are an opportunity for parents to drop in and discuss any issues relating to SEND. Please come to main reception between 3:15pm- 4pm – there's no need to book an appointment.

For more information please contact our SENDCO, Mrs K Toms:

Click here to learn about Exam Access Arrangements for students with SEND

The School’s aims for SEND

The SEND code of Practice: 0-25 states that a child has special educational need if they have a learning difficulty which calls for special educational provision to be made for them. The provision needed will be ‘additional to’ or ‘different’ from that made generally. The school will use a graduate approach to meet the needs of students with SEND.  Please also see our SEN policy at the bottom of this page.

  • To ensure the early identification and assessment of all students’ needs, and to recognise that these needs may change over time.
  • To make the best possible provision for students with SEND with the limits of the resources available to the school.
  • To ensure all students with SEND have full access to a broad and balanced curriculum, and are able to fulfil their potential.
  • To ensure all students with SEND are included as fully as possible in the activities of the school.
  • To ensure that the views and wishes of students with SEND are heard and taken into account in the planning and reviewing process.
  • To work with parents and carers where appropriate, to ensure that young people with SEND participate in and have full access to learning pathways.
  • To work with students, parents, carers and education providers to ensure that young people with SEND are ready for and have access to post 16 training education or employment.

If you wish to discuss anything SEND for a student at the Bulmershe School, please contact the OASIS team directly on the email below:

Our team comprises of:

Keeley Toms/SENDCo and Access Arrangements Assessor

Sian Potter/Deputy SENDCo and Lead for Key Stage 3

Christine Raoult/SEND Manager

We look forward to working with you to ensure the best possible outcomes for you and your children.

The Oasis Team


SEND Policy and Information Report 24-25



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Bulmershe Accessability Plan 08th Sep 2023 Download