Year 12

May I extend a very warm welcome to parents, carers and students of Year 12. All Year 12 students are expected to attend morning registration at 8.30am on Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays. These morning sessions are crucial, covering many important topics that are directly relevant to students in Year 12. On the days where Year 12 students do not have morning registration (Tuesdays and Thursdays), students can arrive on site in time for their first lesson that day. 

Once in school, Year 12 students are expected to remain on site until 1.20pm. After this time, students can sign themselves out of student reception to leave the site. If students have period 5 or 6 lessons, they simply would return on site in time for these lessons. If students don’t have period 5 or 6 lessons, they would be free to go home. 

Mr Scott


The Year 12 Team

Deputy Head Teacher for Sixth Form

Mr R McAlaney

Head of Sixth Form

Mr T Lord:

Assistant Head of Sixth Form / Head of Year 12

Mr C Scott:

Sixth Form Administrator

Mrs C Miles

Tutor Team

6R Ms G Moores


6H Miss C James

6F Ms T Warner

Pastoral Team

Mr T Lord

Mr C Scott

If you have any concerns or queries regarding your child's education or welfare please contact in the first instance the tutor and copy in the Head of Sixth form.

Extra Curricular Activities

Students in the Sixth Form are given many opportunities to volunteer and give back to the school community. There are various volunteering roles available which include:

  • Link Work
  • Peer Mentoring
  • Delivering PE sports clubs
  • Reading and number buddies
  • External volunteering in the local community

Students who are interested in volunteering will be given information on how to proceed and which members of staff would be their point of contact


Pupil Premium students in Year 12

There may be financial assistance available for Pupil Premium pupils for school trips and other activities but individual enquiries to the school should be made regarding this assistance.

Please contact the school office on 0118 9353353 or alternatively email who will pass on your enquiry to Mr Staton, Assistant Headteacher who manages Pupil Premium funding.

Sixth Form Curriculum Evening

Click here to view the presentation given 3rd October 2024


Key Dates 24 - 25

Year 12 Parents' Evening - Thursday 13th February 2025 - 4pm - 7pm (Online)

Year 12 Mock Exams - 23rd - 26th June 2025