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- Mrs T Edwards

Mrs T Edwards
BackHead of Year 10
Tracy is Head of Year at The Bulmershe School. She joined the school in 1999 from a school in High Wycombe and has 22 years’ teaching experience and in the past also held the roles of Second in the English Department and Acting Assistant Headteacher.
What set you on the path to teaching?
I was very fortunate to have amazing teachers who inspired me to learn, to embrace education and built relationships that supported me when I was at school. There was never a question that I would go on to become a teacher and even after all these years, it is a job I still love and enjoy each day. I am fortunate to be able to teach both my specialists subjects - English and Religious Studies - and I enjoy imparting my passion for these subjects.
What was it that attracted you to working at Bulmershe?
Initially, it was the geographical location and although I applied for other jobs at local schools, I felt like it had the right ethos and was the school for me. It has always had a strong sense of educating the whole child while the staff and students at Bulmershe make it a pleasure to work here - we all feel lucky to be part of such a strong community. In my time at the school, I have seen it go from strength to strength and there have been many changes - all for the better. In the last decade, it has become the exceptional school it always had the potential to be In many ways, it feels like home!
What is the ethos of the pastoral system at The Bulmershe School?
The Bulmershe School is renowned for its superb pastoral system which ensures every child matters. I have been a Head of Year for more than 6 years this time (and for 5 years previously) and it's so rewarding to see your year group grow and thrive as you take them through their school career. The pastoral team, from Heads of Years to the Behaviour Leads in the Ivory Centre (student support) and all the staff in Oasis (SEN department) work cohesively and know each student as an individual. Not all students will need support through their time at school but it is reassuring for many that it is available should they need it. I pride myself, as do the other heads of years, on knowing each and everyone of the students in my year group as an individual and ensure they are supported academically, socially and emotionally. We also work closely with the students' families and ensure they are involved in their child's education at every step. Each member of the pastoral team brings their own experience, expertise and character. We all work towards the school's core values of Respect, Resilience, Responsibility and Safety and this allows our students to complete their time with us as strong, independent, well rounded individuals with high aspirations.
What does it mean to you being Head of Year?
Each year group brings different challenges and adventures, from transition in Year Seven, choosing Options in Year Eight or taking GCSEs in Year 11. To be with the students, supporting them alongside their form tutors, is a great pleasure and it's always a privilege to celebrate their success each half term. I demand impeccable standards in all aspects of school life from my students and my team of tutors and they receive the same impeccable standards from me in return. Our ethos is built on mutual respect and trust. Working collaboratively with my team of tutors allows us to support the students and their parents throughout their time at Bulmershe. My tutors are simply the best and they know I couldn't do it without them. The team we have built is echoed throughout the other year groups in the school and is just another example of the sense of community at Bulmershe.
What, in your opinion, is the key to a successful education?
High academic aspirations, high behaviour expectations and each student being treated as an individual. No two adults are the same and this is the same of all children. The individualised approach to education while building mutual respect, fostering responsibility and developing resilience in a safe learning environment is what makes Bulmershe such a special school to teach in...and probably why I have been here so long! I have even started teaching the children of my previous students so we must be doing something right for them to send their own children here!