

Music multiplies all that is beautiful and of value in life.”  – Zoltan Kodaly

The intent of our music provision here at the Bulmershe School is to change lives through shared experiences. As a cultural universal, we believe music provides unique opportunities in shaping a young person’s sense of community, their self-awareness and emotional wellbeing. We aim to provide an engaging yet challenging curriculum, fostering a love for music which will enable our students to confidently participate in music making throughout their lives. We believe our curriculum provides a stable platform for students to develop transferable skills such as creativity, discipline, and resilience ­– each inherently vital in leading a balanced and fulfilling life. As a department, we endeavour to teach young people to see the benefits of failure, guiding students to build tolerance towards constructive feedback and their fears of the unknown. Students study Music in every year from Year 7 through to the Sixth Form. There are GCSE groups in Years 10 and 11, and a group of students studying A Level Music in Year 12. For these examined courses, we follow the OCR exam board. We have two well-equipped Music rooms and a variety of smaller rehearsal spaces. We also host annual concerts and events in the school’s 400-seater auditorium.

Extra-Curricular Activities

The Music Department is open before and after school, allowing students the opportunity to rehearse and perform on a regular basis. Students can rehearse on their own, in groups, or as a more formal instrumental or vocal group with staff or sixth form support. There are two main vocal ensembles: The Bulmershe Singers (for students in Years 7 and 8) and The Bulmershe Ensemble (for students in Years 9 to 13). There is also an instrumental group led by Mr Andrew which meets after school on a weekly basis. We have strong links with the other departments within the Communication and Performing Arts Faculty (Dance, Drama and Media) which has enabled us to produce high-quality whole-school productions such as Matilda JR. and Made in Dagenham.

Berkshire Music Trust

Additional Vocal and Instrumental Tuition

Whilst research has shown that there are many social, emotional, and cognitive benefits to receiving a musical education, there is also evidence to suggest that students who receive regular instrumental tuition perform better academically.

At Bulmershe School, pupils have the opportunity to engage in 1-to-1 lessons on a variety of instruments outside of their timetabled music lessons. We are currently able to offer lessons in brass, percussion, strings, woodwind, voice, guitar, and keyboard/piano. Group lessons are also available at a reduced cost.

If you would like to sign your child up for any of these lessons, you can do this through the Berkshire Music Trust at

  1. Click ‘Register’ under ‘Lessons at school’.
  2. Then find ‘Results in your venue of choice’ and filter by ‘School’ .
  3. Search for ‘The Bulmershe School’ and then click ‘Lessons’ beneath the search bar.
  4. Select the lesson(s) that you would like to enter your child for, and then follow the instructions on the screen to complete your purchase of lessons.

Berkshire Music Trust

If you need assistance with your application, please contact Mr A Wicks 

For further details about all musical activities, trips to concerts and preparation for performances please see contact a member of the Music Department.

KS3 Banding Criteria

If you child is in years 7-9, their report will be graded in bands. To understand the criteria behind these bands, please see the assessment document below:


GCSE Music

Exam Board: OCR

Find out more about our GCSE Course:

A-level Music

Exam Board: OCR

Find out more about our GCSE Course:

Teaching Team

Mr A Wicks, Head of Music 

Mr D Andrew, Teacher of Music


Further Information

Subject information and course content can be found below. If you have any further queries please contact Mr A Wicks